Driving Revision Tool

Transmission is an all-in-one driving revision solution to help anyone in the UK pass their driving tests! Originally built in 2014 but was revamped in 2017.

This application contains:

  • A fully featured theory test, with the ability to flag questions, pulled from a bank of 225+ questions
  • Review your results in the theory test, seeing which questions you got wrong and which you got right. Star your favourite or most challenging test
  • 10 hazard perception videos to test your hazard perception skills
  • A Show-me Tell-me section with all of the possible questions that could come up, including diagrams where appropriate)
  • A Signs section, which includes an example of every kind of sign you might get to see on British roads
  • Log in to Transmission to save your results and synchronise your history between devices!
  • Customisable reminders for your upcoming theory tests or practical tests
  • Dark mode

The app is no longer maintained. You are welcome to use it if you find it useful, but please seek more up-to-date information if you are taking a driving test

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